Posts Tagged ‘General’

Grammar and Spelling Nazis go Here Please

January 2, 2008

I have to make an admission now: I am a grammar and spelling Nazi. Whenever I read blogs or articles full of spelling errors I get this little feeling in my guts.

However English not being my first language and my fingers sometimes refusing to obey my brain, I am completely aware of the fact that my postings are full of grammar and spelling mistakes. In order to improve my English and have people read this blog without the feeling in their guts, I would really really appreciate it, if you could write me an email or drop a comment if you find mistakes in my postings.

Screenshot of MS Word failing to spell check Lorem Ipsum by me.

Another year over again – WTF?!

December 31, 2007

Yet another year is over. Today, I’d like to share a link to a page I read basically every day in the past year. It’s one of the things that make me tick during work. Ever heard of The Daily WTF? Every (work)day, they publish a curious perversion in information technology. Most WTFs are developer centered, but there are a lot of them that have a security impact. It’s a great read.
So, I wish you (all of my zero readers) a Happy New Year! I’ll be celebrating at home with a couple of friends. I just had a look out of the window and it’s snowing hard. As in “can’t see your hand in front of your face” hard. We didn’t have a white Christmas, but at least now everything is white outside. I think I’ll have to pick up my camera and take a couple of pictures. See you next year!

Picture of WTF Coffee Cup by bitzcelt

Welcome to cYbErPhOb1A

December 28, 2007

Cyberphobia – the irrational fear of computers or technology. This is not what this blog will be about. However, I hope I can give you some reasons to fear your system. This is my first blog and I have no idea how consequently I’ll be able to do this. Maybe this is going to be one of the blogs that have a single posting and that’s it. However I hope not.
I’d like to write a bit about information security and hacking. Anyways, together we’ll find out, what I’m going to muse about 🙂